02 November 2012

Thunder and Lightning

Comments after the jump.

 B: 1610, Delaware
 D: 1846, Maine

 Cetanwakanmani (1763-1825)
 Indian Maidan (1595-????)


 Wife Three (1605-????)
 Her Black Tasinasapawin (????-1890)
 Little Dog Sunkacistinna (????-1862)
 Moses Wakeman (????-1896)
 Passing Daylight Anpahiyaye (????-1896)
 Sunkacistinna Little Dog (????-1862)
 Tasinasapawin Her Shawl (????-1890)
 Bright Lightning (1635-1703)
 Bright Lightning (1635-1703)
 Sarah Little Fawn (1740-1810)
 Miniyue (1760-1840)
 Miniyue Rainville (1760-1840)
 Little Crow Taoyateduta His Nation (1811-????)

 Wikusauwin (????-1890)
 Her Black Tasinasapawin (????-1890)
 Little Dog (????-1870)
 Little Dog Sunkacistinna (????-1862)
 Moses Wakeman (????-1896)
 Passing Daylight Anpahiyaye (????-1896)
 Sunkacistinna Little Dog (????-1862)
 Tasinasapawin Her Shawl (????-1890)
 Bright Lightning (1635-1703)
 Bright Lightning (1635-1703)
 Sarah Little Fawn (1740-1810)
 Sarah Little Fawn (1740-1810)
 White Spider Unktomiska (1831-1902)

 Unknown Spouse
 Little Crow Taoyateduta His Nation (1811-????)

ⓑⓐⓡⓚⓘⓝⓖ  ⓤⓟ  ⓣⓗⓔ  ⓦⓡⓞⓝⓖ  ⓣⓡⓔⓔ

Looks like Big Thunder and his wives are the Native American equivalents of Methuselah. Guess it shouldn't be surprising since his mother married someone 168 years her junior. His wives were pretty amazing since they gave birth across 3 separate centuries. It's a shame the kids didn't get any of the longevity genes though. None of them (of those that have birth dates) made it to 90.

  0    Born
 25   Child Bright Lightening is born to two mothers. 
130  Child Sarah Little Fawn is born, three times to two mothers.
135  Big Thunder's father is born.
150  Miniyue and Miniyue Rainville are born.
201  Little Crow Taoyateduta His Nation is born to two mothers.
221  White Spider Unktomiska is born.
236  Dies

A number of trees have all or part of this info. Some have his death date as 1646 which would be more plausible except some of those trees also have a child, sometimes an only child, born in the 1700's.
Do you ever think, "I bet someone just made up this garbage to see how many people would be gullible enough to add it to their tree"?

You can read more about this profile here.
Thanks to Nancy for the heads up about Big Thunder! ;-)

PREVIOUS POST: That Explains Everything!
NEW POST: My Two Dads


  1. LOL! I personally do not plan on having a 236th birthday party.

    1. If I do I'm billing it as my 197th 39th birthday ;-)

  2. I just found your blog. I have written several blog posts about the errors you will find in the family trees posted on the internet. I am going to tell my readers about your blog and link to it. I think your blog is GREAT! I haven't stopped laughing since I pulled it up. Now my readers will know that I haven't been overreacting regarding these errors :) :) :)

    1. Thanks Michele! And no, you are not alone ;-) Post a link to yours, I'd love to check out your blog too!

  3. Ugh seriously, having Sarah as my 6th great grandmother and trying to decipher her lineage is horribly frustrating
