19 July 2013

The point is?

Barking Up the Wrong Tree now has a Facebook page!
If you're on Facebook I hope you'll LIKE my page. Thanks!

I'm assuming the focus of the photo is that piece of paper and not the vacuum or office chair. Of course no one can tell what is on the piece of paper and there is no description. So the point is?

UPLOADED TO: At least 22 profiles for people from the 13th - 17th centuries
ATTACHED TO: Numerous other trees

UPLOADED TO: At least 22 profiles for people from the 13th - 17th centuries
ATTACHED TO: Numerous other trees

If you have a photo to suggest please send a link to buwtree(at)gmail(dot)com.

PREVIOUS POST: Fixing What's Not Broken 5
NEXT POST: Social Disgrace


  1. Remember the Monty Python skit where someone was going to have a debate with a spot of brown liquid? Well, this is the photo edition...

    1. Afraid I'm not familiar with that sketch :-( The only thing coming to mind is the argument clinic.
