21 June 2013

18th Century Photograph

Let's review shall we?
The world's first photograph was taken in 1826.
The earliest known portrait is from the late 1830s.
What are the chances there's a photograph of any man born before 1740?

Title of photo: William Michael
Uploaded to: Guillahume/William Michael, b. 1736 in Britteny, France
Attached to: The same person on 7 other trees
Note: This is the original size of the uploaded photo.

Writer and critic William Michael Rossetti, b. 1829 in London, England.
Photo taken by Julia Margaret Cameron.

Thanks to Ann for the link to this photo ;-)
If you have a photo to suggest please send a link to buwtree(at)gmail(dot)com.

PREVIOUS POST: Mother of Transformation
NEXT POST: Junk Trees


  1. Yes, I'm the Ann who submitted the link to BUWT. Wouldn't I just love to have a portrait of my 4th great grandfather!

    Over the last couple of years, I have contacted many of the tree owners who had added this photo to their family album, explaining the impossibility, in the kindest possible terms. One has deleted it. I've had even less success with the correct spelling of his given name - Guillaume.

    Then, there are the several trees that show him born in 1740 and married in 1670...
