28 June 2013

Any War Hero Will Do

There is no indication that any of the persons this image is attached to
served with or even knew Casimir Pulaski.
At least the photo was only uploaded once. Sigh.

TITLE: war heros
UPLOADED: Once to 16 profiles in one tree.
PROFILES INCLUDE: Numerous Warner men from William Warner, b. 1646, to James M. Warner, b. 1767; Joshua Robbins, b. 1681; Oliver Brewer, b. 1708; Rebecca Smith, b. 1712.
ATTACHED TO: 130+ other trees.

Casimir Pulaski (1745-1779)

Thanks to Madelyn and Kristin for the links to this tree and this photo ;-)
If you have a photo to suggest please send a link to buwtree(at)gmail(dot)com.

NEXT POST: Won't Stop Believing

24 June 2013

Junk Trees

Below is information from 3 separate trees. The 3 tree owners have not signed in for over a year and these are the only trees attached to their profiles.
More after the jump.

 Johnny Depp
 B: 4 june 1992 in arizona, america
 M: 21 Jan 2007 in Kentucky, america to Private Spouse; Note: bleh bleh
 D: 17 july 2007 in buckinghamshire England

 CHILD with Private Spouse
 Poooopeh Depp
 B: 14 may 1996 in tokyo, japan
 D: 14 may 1997 in algarve portugal

 11 more profiles on this tree, all private.


 johnny depp
 B: september 2, 1467 in madrid, spain
 D: march 3, 1998 in barcelona, spain

 mandy moore
 B: June 16, 1564 in madrid, spain
 D: june 16, 1999 in houston, texas

 A child (private) is the only other profile on this tree.


 Johnny Depp
 B: 1456 in South Salmara, Assam, India

 Heidi Klum (1234-1334)

 Adrianna Jessica Menting, b. December 16 in Mexico
 Spouse: Private, grandson of "Johnny Depp"
 Father: Zeus Menting, b. 1000 in Greece
 Mother: Hera Ding Dong, b. 900 in Oceana County, Michigan, USA

 This tree has 10 other profiles, all private.

21 June 2013

18th Century Photograph

Let's review shall we?
The world's first photograph was taken in 1826.
The earliest known portrait is from the late 1830s.
What are the chances there's a photograph of any man born before 1740?

Title of photo: William Michael
Uploaded to: Guillahume/William Michael, b. 1736 in Britteny, France
Attached to: The same person on 7 other trees
Note: This is the original size of the uploaded photo.

Writer and critic William Michael Rossetti, b. 1829 in London, England.
Photo taken by Julia Margaret Cameron.

Thanks to Ann for the link to this photo ;-)
If you have a photo to suggest please send a link to buwtree(at)gmail(dot)com.

PREVIOUS POST: Mother of Transformation
NEXT POST: Junk Trees

17 June 2013

Mother of Transformation

Comments after the jump.

 Elizabeth Lizzy Searcy Wilson Smith Miles Huff
 B: May 1870 in Taylor County, Georgia
 D: 3 Nov 1957 in Marietta St. Cedartown, Polk, Georgia

 John H Patillo Huff & Georgia O Ann Wilson Huff Thomas

 James Jordan Searcy (1850-1898)
 ✿ Willie M Searcy, b. Sep 1884 in Georgia
 Weston** Searcy (1871-1949) married 1892
 ✿ Fanny Lucile H Searcy, b. Apr 1892 in Georgia
 ✿ Willie Natt Searcy, b. Jul 1896 in Georgia
 Charlie Charley Smith (1875-1910) married 1894
 ✿ Clarence Brooks Huff, b. Jun 1892 in South Carolina
 ✿ Annie Mae Bankston Smith, b. Nov 1894 in Georgia
 ✿ Eva Cornelius Simpson Tiller Smith, b. Jan 1897 in Georgia
 ✿ Charles Smith, b. Aug 1898 in Georgia
 Joseph P Wilson (1871-????)
 ✿ Arty Elizabeth Wilson, b. Dec 1894 in Georgia
 William Jim Miles (1869-????)
 ✿ Mary Lou Simpson Miles, b. 1903 in Georgia

 RECORDS attached to this profile
 ✿ 1880 U.S. Federal Census; Hootenville, Upson, Georgia
     Lizzie Sercy, Black, born abt 1856; wife of Jordan Sercy; children Mary, Sarah, John T.
 ✿ 1880 U.S. Federal Census; Griffin, Spalding, Georgia
     Elizabeth Huff, White, born abt 1876; daughter of John H. & Georgia Huff
 ✿ 1900 U.S. Federal Census; Blackankle, Upson, Georgia
     Lillie Searcey, Black, born Oct 1849; wife of Jordan Searcey; children Sarah J, John T, Henry, Luis, Willie, Jodie, Famie, Mattie, Carrie
 ✿ 1900 U.S. Federal Census; Cedartown, Polk, Georgia
     Lizzie Smith, Black, born Jul 1864; wife of Charley Smith; children Annie M, Eva, Charles
 ✿ 1900 U.S. Federal Census; Hazard, Bibb, Georgia
     Elizabeth Searcy, Black, born May 1876; wife of Weston Searcy; children Fanny, Willie
 ✿ 1900 U.S. Federal Census; Spalding, Georgia
     Lizzie Wilson, White, born Feb 1876; daughter of John H & Georgia Huff; child Elizabeth Wilson
 ✿ 1910 U.S. Federal Census; Blackankle, Upson, Georgia
     Lizzie Searcy, Black, born abt 1845; wife of Jorden Searcy; children Henry, Louis, Willie, Joe, Fannie, Mattie, Julia
 ✿ 1910 U.S. Federal Census; Cedartown, Polk, Georgia
     Lizzie Smith, Mulatto, born abt 1880; widow; children Annie Mae, Julia, Carry B, Elizabeth, Mabel
 ✿ 1910 U.S. Federal Census; Macon, Bibb, Georgia
     Lizzie Searcy, Black, born abt 1875; wife of Allen Searcy
 ✿ 1910 U.S. Federal Census; Cherokee, Georgia
     Elizabeth Wilson, White, born abt 1874; wife of Joseph J. Wilson; children David Jasper, William Calvin, Martha Maria, Arty Elizabeth, Joseph Henry, Sadie, Robert Lee, Glenn Harris, Agnes
 ✿ 1920 U.S. Federal Census; Cedartown, Polk, Georgia
     Lizzie Smith, Black, born abt 1880; widow
 ✿ 1930 U.S. Federal Census; Atlanta, Fulton, Georgia
     Lizzie Smith, Black, born abt 1881; widow; mother of Lucile Hemphill
 ✿ 1930 U.S. Federal Census; Blackankle, Upson, Georgia
     Lizzie Searcy, Black, born abt 1855; widow; children Sarah J, Julia M
 ✿ 1940 U.S. Federal Census; Atlanta, Fulton, Georgia
     Lizzie Smith, Black, born abt 1870; widow; mother of Lucile Hemphill
 ✿ Georgia Deaths, 1919-98
     Lizzie Smith, Black, died 3 Nov 1957, Polk County, 76 years old

08 June 2013

Murder She Wrote: The Photos

Here are the photos you've been waiting for ;-)
Like the previous post names and dates have been changed.
All the photos are on the profile of John Doe, Jr * Murdered Victim, Wednesday's featured profile.
Five of the photos are also attached to specific events in his timeline.

Image Title: john doe jr sleep image
Event Title: Death
Event Date: 1832 Sep 30
Event Note: Murdered John Doe, Jr, his son Robert and niece Catherine were brutally murdered in their sleep where they camped for the night.

John Doe Jr. died at the age of 42.

Image Title: john doe jr money images
Event Title: [no event title]
Event Date: 1826
Event Note: Randolph sold Doe, Jr a slave named Ezekiel. Randolph must have been aware that Doe had literally thousands ($8,000.00) of dollars on his person & likely conceived a plane to persuade the slave to murder Doe, Jr & take his money.

Image Title: john doe jr image
Event Title: What he did for a living
Event Date: 1835
Event Note: John Jr was a slave trader & sold a number of slaves for his father, John Doe Sr in [State] during 1829-1830

Image Title: john doe jr horse carriage images

Image Title: john doe jr gambling images
Event Title: About Harris Randolph's character
Event Note: Randolph was a wealthy businessman, a gambler, fathered numerous illegitimate children by whores & slaves (as many as 100, by one estimate) & had a notoriously violent temper. He was frequently involved in assualt & battery cases - around the Doe murders.

Image Title: john doe jr court image

I'm sure any court John Doe Jr. had dealings with in the early 19th century looked exactly like this. Yeah, still waiting on that sarcasm font.

Image Title: john doe jr axe image
Event Title: The Murder:
Event Date: 1832 Sep 30
Event Note: Ezekiel took a small axe & best out the brains first John Jr, then Robert & then Catherine, he drag their bodies to a ditch & Ezekiel left in Doe, Jr's carriage with blood dripping along the dirt road.

For the first time since I started this blog a year and a half ago I need to take some time off.
I'll be back on June 17th with more jaw dropping stupidity.
Thanks for reading!

Thanks to Janet for the heads up about this profile ;-)
If you have a photo to suggest please send a link to buwtree(at)gmail(dot)com.

PREVIOUS POST: Murder She Wrote
NEXT POST: Mother of Transformation

05 June 2013

Murder She Wrote

ALL the names have been changed and locations redacted. I also altered the dates. They are not the point of the post and I do not want to encourage murder groupies.
More after the jump.

 John Doe Jr * Murdered Victim
 B: 1790 Jul 7 in [County], [State]
 D: 1832 Sep 30 in [Road], [County], [State] Murdered


 ✿ Marriage to Mary Smith
     1815 Oct 6 in [County], [State]
 ✿ Marriage to Jane Jones
     1827 Nov 18 in [County], [State]
     accusations that John Doe Jr, murdered his second wife!
 ✿ Other information:
     Accusations that John Doe Jr murdered his second wife
 ✿ Death
     1832 Sep 30
     [Road], [County], [State] Murdered
     John Doe, Jr, his son Robert and niece Catherine were brutally murdered in their sleep where they camped for the night.
 ✿ The Murder:
     1832 Sep 30 in [Road], [State]
     Ezekiel took a small axe & best out the brains first John Jr, then Robert & then Catherine, he drag their bodies to a ditch & Ezekiel left in Doe, Jr's carriage with blood dripping along the dirt road.
 ✿ [no title]
     1832 in [County], [State]
     Randolph sold Doe, Jr a slave named Ezekiel. Randolph must have been aware that Doe had literally thousands ($8,000.00) of dollars on his person & likely conceived a plane to persuade the slave to murder Doe, Jr & take his money.
 ✿ the Plan for murder
     The slave, Ezekiel was to murder his new master, taking his money, he was told by his previous master, Randolph, that he would have to share of the plunder & receive his freedom!
 ✿ Court Hearing:
     Ezekiel was brought to trial & admitted his guilt. He admitted that his former master, Harris Randolph, istigated the conditions of the reward provided to him for his commission.
 ✿ The so called laws at the time:
     At the time, a slaves evidence against a white man cannot be legally taken, so that the instigator (Randolph) escaped ALL punishment, while the slave (Ezekiel) was hunged for executing his former master's wishes!
 ✿ Possibly another person involved
     Another white man, Jim Thomas was also believed to have been involved in the conspiracy, though, like Randolph, he was NEVER brought to justice!
 ✿ for years
     Lawsuits over John Doe, Jr's will went on for years!
 ✿ Other information:
     That John Jr's brother, William Doe was murdered by an associate of Harris Randolph, who of course had his daughter Catherine murdered!
 ✿ About Harris Randolph's character
     Randolph was a wealthy businessman, a gambler, fathered numerous illegitimate children by whores & slaves (as many as 100, by one estimate) & had a notoriously violent temper. He was frequently involved in assualt & battery cases - around the Doe murders.

 ✿ Ancestry Family Trees

03 June 2013

Pet Peeves

On Facebook, anytime someone uses the word loose instead of lose or uses the wrong their, they're or there I have to stop myself from deleting them from my friend list. From the number of memes I've seen about spelling and grammatical pet peeves I am not alone. A lot of my genealogical pet peeves have been covered in previous posts about clickophile trees but here are a few that haven't been mentioned yet.

✿ The Family Name
It's not a "sir name" or a "sir-name." The word is surname.

✿ Ancestory
This is especially puzzling on the Ancestry.com Facebook page. How do they not see the correct spelling plastered all over the page?

✿ WWII vs. WW11
One is World War Two. The other is World War ELEVEN.

✿ The words ancestor, decedent, and descendant are not interchangeable.
An ancestor is "a person from whom one is descended; forebear; progenitor."
A decedent is "a deceased person."
A person "that is descended from a specific ancestor; an offspring" is a descendant.

✿ "Thanks in advance" or "TIA"
Translation: "I expect someone will help me (for free) and when they do I cannot be bothered to spend a few seconds of my own precious time to thank them personally."
Not everyone is bothered by this but it really rubs me the wrong way. If you are asking someone to help you acknowledge their comment/answer. First of all, it's polite. Second, it tells the person who helping that you saw their answer and they didn't waste their time. If it's on Facebook it only takes a second to 'like' a comment yet some people can't even manage to do that.

✿ The English Only Crowd
"Those records are in German. Why doesn't [whatever website they're complaining about] translate them? I don't know German." You've just told the world that you're either too dumb or too stubborn to learn. Part of learning about your heritage is learning the language(s) of your ancestors. You don't need to be able to read War and Peace in another language but will it kill you to learn the months, numbers and a few genealogically important words? You're not even required to memorize them, you can have a cheat sheet on your computer. To find a cheat sheet just Google 'genealogy word list' and the language you need. If you have gotten far enough back in your tree that the records are in a now defunct language or you can't read the language because of the script check the Learning Center on FamilySearch.

✿ Name Droppers
Name droppers are those people who post nothing more than a name on genealogy Facebook pages. There seem to be a couple of reasons for these posts. Some think Facebook is a search engine. Others do not know the difference between a Facebook fan page for a website and the actual website. Still others think there could be only one person in the world with that name. Can you think of other reasons, logical or not, for posting a name and nothing else?

✿ My family is more interesting than anything you have to say.
Some people think nothing of posting 20 photos in a row on a Facebook business page or in a Facebook group. Pages and groups are used by hundreds, sometimes thousands, of people. I've landed on pages and wondered if there was a Facebook glitch that took me to someone's personal page. While you may find your photos fascinating other people may have a question they'd like answered and you've just pushed their post really far down the page. You don't have to post them all at once or your can put them all in an album on your personal page, make the album public and post a link to it on the page you're visiting. Don't forget to include something about the album. Why are you sharing it? What are the surnames of the people in the album? Were all of the photos taken in the same place?

✿ "People should ask before attaching my photos!"
Some people think everyone should play by their personal unwritten rules. Isn't everyone on Ancestry.com psychic? You are playing in Ancestry.com's sandbox. Their terms of service state:
"Portions of the Website allow you and other Users to contribute material to be displayed on the Website ("User Provided Content"). For User Provided Content, Ancestry is merely hosting and providing access.
By submitting User Provided Content to Ancestry, you grant Ancestry, its parent company and all of its affiliates, a transferable license to use, host, sublicense and distribute your submission to the extent and in the form or context we deem appropriate on or through any media or medium and with any technology or devices now known or hereafter developed or discovered." [emphasis mine]
Don't like their rules? You can always send a suggestion about a change to their terms of service or a feature you'd like to see added. Until your suggestion is implemented either don't upload photos or upload them to a private tree. But don't upload them and then complain when other people attach them without asking permission. You gave them permission when you uploaded the items to Ancestry.com.

✿ People who exclaim, "This is a scam!"
Subscriptions to most online websites renew automatically. It is not a scam or a rip-off. In the case of Ancestry.com it's not even in tiny legalese.

Thanks to Katie for the screen cap!

✿ The "Ancestry.com is expensive" Crowd
I think I vented enough about the "Ancestry.com is expensive" comments here.

✿ Those who need a dentist not a genealogist.
They claim to want assistance but getting the information you need to help them is like pulling teeth. The conversation usually goes something like this:
 Patient: Can someone help me find my great-grandmother?
 Dentist: What do you know? Her name? Date of birth?
 Patient: She died when I was little and my mother hasn't told me very much.
 Dentist: What did she tell you?
 Patient: She told me... [proceeds to tell a long story with no dates, places or names].
 Dentist: You'll need to give us names, dates and places, something specific, before anyone can help you.
 Patient: She was born in Alabama or North Carolina. Maybe Tennessee.
That tooth is never getting pulled. This could go on indefinitely but usually ends when the person attempting to help just gives up. For tips on how to ask for help check out these two blog posts: Asking For Help and Help Me Help You.

PREVIOUS POST: Picture Not Available II
NEXT POST: Murder She Wrote