The gods do not belong on your family tree.
. Some of you may think, "None of those could possibly connect to living people." That would be the logical assumption anyway, that these are strictly mythological trees. Unfortunately that is not the case. I chose one of the crazier ones to feature here but I, and my wrist (in pain from all the clicking), can attest to the fact that some of these tree owners think they are descended from the gods of Greek mythology.
If you were going to create a tree to help you learn about the gods wouldn't you want it to be correct? If you thought, wrongly of course, you were related to them wouldn't you want your tree to be perfect? I know the relationships between the gods can get a little twisted but this is ridiculous.
Gaia of Greek Mythology Primodial goddess of the Earth
SPOUSES, no children
Aether Titan Primordial god of Light
Aether Titan Primordial god of Light
Father Sky Uranus
Greek God Creation PHANES*
Tartarus Primordial god of the Abyss**
CHILDREN with Unknown Spouse(s)
✿ Cleta Cleocharia the Naiad
✿ Uranus aka Sky Ouranos 1st Ruler GOD the Universe
✿ Creusa Naiad
SPOUSES and children
Cecrops I Athens
✿ Cranaus of Athens
Draco of the Gods
✿ Echion of the Gods
Oceanus God The Oceans Of Titans
✿ Asopus RIVER GOD
✿ Clymene Klymene of the Oceanides
✿ Creusa Naiad
✿ Iepatus God Titan of the West and Mortality
✿ Pleione Dione The Oceanide Nymph
None as Pontus was Sea God First one born
✿ Phorcus Phorcys The Old Man of the Sea Titan God of The depths
✿ Pontus Primordial god of the Sea
Pontus Primordial god of the Sea
✿ Eurybia The "Strong Goddess"
✿ Nereus Greek Mythology The Old man of the Sea
✿ Thaumas (the awe-striking "wonder" of the Sea, embodiment of the sea's dangerous aspects)
✿ Phorcus Phorcys The Old Man of the Sea Titan God of The depths
✿ Ceto/Keto Oceanic Deity Theoi Halioi Goddess of Sea Monsters
Soil Primordial God
✿ Cecrops Athens
✿ Cranaus Athens
Tethys Titan
✿ Iepatus God Titan of the West and Mortality
✿ Pleione Oceanide
Zeus aka Zeus Jupiter OLYMPUS OLYMPIAN
✿ Cleocharia NAIAD
✿ Tethys Goddess The Ocean Of Titans
Uranus aka Sky Ouranos 1st Ruler GOD the Universe
✿ Asopus RIVER GOD
✿ Briares Hundred Handed One, Hekatonkheiree
✿ Cecrops Athens
✿ Cecrops I Athens
✿ Ceto/Keto Oceanic Deity Theoi Halioi Goddess of Sea Monsters
✿ Cleocharia II the Naiad
✿ Clymene Klymene of the Oceanides
✿ Cottus Hundred Handed One, Hekatokheire
✿ Cranaus Athens
✿ Crius Krious The Ram the Titans
✿ Dione
✿ Doris The
✿ Eurybia
✿ Eurynome
✿ Goddess the Underworld Styx
✿ Gyges Hundred Handed One, Hekatonkheire
✿ Hiperión περίων Hyperíôn Dios de la Observación TITAN Titan of the East and Light
✿ Hyperion Elder God of the Titan of the East and Ligh
✿ Iepatus God Titan of the West and Mortality
✿ Koios Coeus Titan of the North and Intellec
✿ Kronos Cronos King of the Titans, Titan of Time and Agriculture
✿ Mnemosyne Titaness of Memory and Remembrance
✿ Oceanus God The Oceans Of Titans
✿ Okeanides Nymphs Springs Fountains
✿ Phoebe Phoibe "radiant, bright, prophetic" Titaness of Darkness and Mysteries
✿ Phorcus The Titan
✿ Pleione Dione The Oceanide Nymph
✿ Poyomoi River Gods
✿ Rhea (Rheia) the Titan Titaness of Family and Nature
✿ Scamander Xantus TEUCRI
✿ Simöeis Troy
✿ Theia Euryphaëssa (Theia, Aethra) Θεία Ευρυφάεσσα "Wide Shining" Titan Goddess of Sight
✿ Themis Titaness of Justice and Law
✿ Tethys Goddess The Ocean Of Titans
✿ Uranus stRuler God Universe
* Also Gaia's step-mother
** Also Gaia's sibling
*** Also Gaia's spouse